If a search for “inbound marketing definition” landed you on this article, chances are you already know how important great inbound marketing is to your success online. You undoubtedly realize that if you want to tap into the $440 billion Forbes estimates Americans will spend online by 2017, you need to engage in inbound marketing strategies. However, knowing something is important and knowing what it is and how to implement it are completely different things. Lucky for you, we can tell you exactly what inbound internet marketing is and how to effectively implement it.
What is Inbound Internet Marketing?
Inbound internet marketing, as defined by The Huffington Post, is the method of generating content that reaches to the human being on the other side of the computer screen to bring-in business. The main difference between inbound marketing and outbound marketing, another term you’ve doubtlessly heard, is approach. Generally speaking, inbound internet marketing is done through the internet, while outbound marketing relies on traditional mediums, like TV, print, and the like. While inbound marketing aims to fulfill a need, thereby drawing in customers through the perception of utility, outgoing marketing is much more obviously an attempt to advertise.
What Are Some Important Inbound Internet Marketing Methods?
- Going Social
- Search Engine Optimization
According to statistics from Pew Internet Research, 73% of adults using the internet now use at least one social media platform. Facebook, the most popular of all social media sites, hosts 1.4 billion active users. Developing a strong social media campaign, one that establishes you as a source in your industry versus a marketer, can allow you to tap into those billion-plus users, greatly increasing your revenue potential.
Did you know, according to Search Engine Journal, 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine? Subsequently, if you want to get your business noticed online, you need to take steps to optimize your web content, web design and development, and everywhere else your company appears online for search engine results. Writing engaging web content that answers questions for your customers, building high-quality backlinks, and incorporating popular keywords sensibly are all parts of a high-quality SEO campaign.
If you remember nothing else from this article, be sure you remember this: inbound internet marketing is the only way to tap into growing eCommerce spending. If you continue having trouble implementing effective inbound marketing in your own advertising efforts, be sure you find professional inbound marketing services that can help you accomplish your goals. Read more here: inboundaddicts.com