Lighting and lighting solutions are a hugely important part of the United States, both in the commercial sectors as well as public spaces. On top of that, of course, private homes utilize many lighting solutions just in the typical course of a single day, from overhead lighting to smaller table lamps to even just using the flashlight on one’s phone to find something that has been dropped. These lighting solutions are vastly utilized – and vastly necessary. After all, very few of us have ever lived in a world where illumination was not possible, where the day effectively ended once the sun went down. Lighting solutions have given us a great ability to do more – and they themselves are constantly advancing as well.
There’s no doubt about it that lighting, as it is today, eats up a great deal of energy. In fact, various lighting solutions that are used for residential purposes and in private homes make up more than ten percent of overall energy use, and commercial buildings all throughout the entire country of the United States account for even more energy usage just through lighting, at eighteen percent. This lighting design, while hugely useful to the vast majority (if not one hundred percent, at that) of the population of the United States, is nothing if not a huge use of energy. Finding lighting solutions that do not waste so much vital energy is not only beneficial for our planet, but for our wallets as well. On top of that, such lighting solutions are often an easy change to make, both in commercial buildings as well as residential ones and private homes.
LED lighting solutions present one way that people can make a switch both in their homes as well as their places of business. LED light bulbs, which were first introduced in the year of 1962, now more than fifty years ago, have many benefits when it comes to using them for lighting solutions, particularly in comparison to the more traditionally used halogen bulbs. For instance they are not only better for the environment (being one hundred percent recyclable) but are also better for public health, as they are made from all completely non toxic materials and pose no threat to animals or human life, a hugely important factor. On top of this, they have an incredibly longevity, making them incredibly cost effective. In fact, even if you were to leave an LED light bulb burning at all hours of the day, it is estimated that it would still last an astounding twenty years. Using your LED lighting solutions more normally – as in, not having them constantly on – is likely to help them last for an even longer period of time.
And LED lighting solutions, both as business lighting solutions as well as lighting solutions for the private home, have become more and more popular in all places all throughout the entire country of the United States. In fact, by the time that we reach the year of 2020, now less than two years away from our current date, it is expected the LED lighting solutions will have achieved more than sixty percent penetration of the entire lighting market of the United States. And this is nothing if not a good thing, both in the realm of commercial lighting as well as residential lighting. In fact, the department of energy in the United States has even estimated that by switching to LED lighting systems, we could cut down our total energy use as a country by as much as fifty percent over all, a truly monumental change that could be made with relative ease.
Lighting is important no matter where you might be, where you might live, in the United States. We rely on lighting and because of this the lighting industry (and all those surrounding it) have thrived. But lighting uses a lot of energy, and it is important to begin to think of lighting solutions that increase the overall output of light (or at least keep it the same) while reducing our energy usage as a nation.