Businesses looking to expand into cyber space need to start their internet endeavors with a domain search. You may have picked out the perfect domain name, only to be thwarted by another person or organization who has already registered the site. With a domain search you can find an open URL available to you. Once you have found your desired URL with a domain search it is important to now perform a domain name registration. When you pay your fee the domain registration is complete and you can start building your website and advertising your new URL. If you cannot find your ideal address at a .com address it may be because there were over 102 million .coms in 2012.
After you have completed a URL, site construction and uploading to your website hosting platform, you may wish to consider email hosting. Email hosting services provide internet hosted emails tagged to your URL. Having an email account with your companies URL can lend to a very professional appearance. Consider not only assigning yourself an email address to your name, but consider creating email addresses for positions as well. Including email addresses that are checked by people like info at your website dot com can help people ask your business questions.