Like air molecules, cloud is everywhere. Many businesses are integrating cloud into their everyday enterprises, leaving very little that this new form of technology hasn’t touched. In many ways, “cloud” is just jargon for the internet — what is actually being provided is usually the energy-consuming server, which end-users in the past had to pay for and shelter themselves. Now, thanks to server hosting companies, it’s possible for them to access both software and hardware from remote locations.
Many are saying that 2014 will be the prime year for cloud — when it stops being the alternative, and starts being the main choice. Are you interested in what cloud computing can do for your company? Here are four things you may not have known about cloud.
1. Cloud Technology is Growing in Popularity
The market for cloud computing is expected to reach about $240 billion by 2020. Already, 30% of small and mid-sized businesses make some use of cloud. This number will continue to grow and attracted new cloud providers to the market.
2. There is Currently a Cloud Solution Providers Price War Underway
The big cloud providers have realized there’s a lot at stake, and now is the time to woo over new companies to their offerings. Google, Microsoft and Amazon have all made substantial cuts to their prices even as spending rises. Amazon, for example, has announced price reductions of between 10% and 40% on its services. Cisco has also announced that it would be spending $1 billion in order to compete with these big name server hosting companies in cloud.
3. There are Some Unresolved Questions About Cloud
Who owns the data you store online — you, or the company that stores it? What happens if they crash? There is little regulation out there yet regarding data storage, and it’s possible that cloud solution providers will surprise us in the future with what they decide to do with the information they hold.
4. Cloud Can be a Green Solution
It’s worth noting that about 65% of companies report having lower energy consumption levels as well as reduced waste after switching to cloud solutions. Many cloud providers also try hard to make sure that the majority of their energy comes from clean sources.
What are your thoughts on cloud computing solutions? Let us know in the comments. Find more. Read this website for more information.