Are you a business owner looking for new and exciting marketing strategies that will increase your sales? A great place to start is with the online and mobile versions of your company website. Did you know that over 60% of companies that had a website designed specifically for mobile use showed an increase in revenue? Another study, conducted by Inspired Magazine showed that you have a mere 10 seconds to make an impression and tell Internet consumers what they will get out of your website and company. Is this something that your company is doing well, or you do think your web design could use some sprucing up? Here’s a few things to remember when thinking about small business web design.
1. Trust the Experts – Digital Marketing companies who focus on small business web design are wonderful resources. You may just want to hire them for consultations or you may be interested in outsourcing all of your marketing to make sure that it is getting the attention it deserves. This decision will obviously depend on several variables like budget, industry, target audience, etc. If you decide to hire a digital marketing firm just remember to make sure they have the right resources to help your small business.
2. Know Your Audience – There is a reason that E-commerce generates $1.2 million dollars every 30 seconds – people love using the internet. However, those same people who love the internet are also impatient, and as as business owner trying to build an online presence you should know that. 40% of internet users will completely leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. If they do get to the website 70% of them will only look at lists with bullet points; while only 55% of them read lists without bullet points. These are some of the reasons that small business web design has to focus on the audience in order to be successful.
3. Analyze Pricing – Maybe you are a small business owner who just isn’t quite sure that you need to spend money to make your online or mobile site better for users, but I think a few key facts may change your mind. First, it’s good to remember that in our technology driven society search engines like Google and Yahoo now influence up to 88% of consumer’s purchasing decisions. Put simply – if people can’t find you on Google you are losing business. Another stat to take into consideration when weighing the cost and benefit of hiring a small business web design company is that 40% of worldwide internet users have bought products or goods online. Again, those are consumers who, if they have a positive experience, will be back to purchase more products.
As you can probably tell by now, small business web design is important to say the least. If you think that your company could use a little help in this area then perhaps it’s time for you to contact a web design company so that you can reach as many customers as possible. Just remember, trust the experts, know your audience, and analyze the pricing.
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