The necessity for mass produced products during World War II precipitated a 1939 spike in popularity of plastic injection molding in manufacturing, and society has been benefiting ever since. Globally, injection molding has become the most common plastic molding process. The process of injection molding usually involves using 2 parts of a mold known as plate A and plate B to create a fillable mold. One example of a product that is made vis a vis the plastic molding process is the mass produced plastic toothbrush handle. However, there are many more plastic injection molding products on store shelves all over the world.
Currently, there are greater than 20,000 different kinds of mold materials capable of being used in the injection molding process. For example, there is the aforementioned plastic injection molding, polyethylene injection molded components, precision ceramic injection molding, silicone injection molding, micro injection molding, and a number of metal injection molding materials. A box furnace is necessary for all kinds of precision molding.
A box furnace is typically utilized within the process of batch heating. The box furnace can be loaded and unloaded by opening a door on one or two ends of the box furnace, or via a door on the top of the box furnace. The burners and heating elements of a box furnace can be found on the side or on the top of the box furnace, and they are not very difficult to operate. A good box furnace is an integral part of the injection molding process. Read this website for more information.